Guaranteed pass drug test
For one to achieve guaranteed pass all drug test one has to be sure that one has not consumed any drugs. Or one needs to substitute one’s drug test sample with either somebody else’s or with a synthetic one. However a better alternative is to buy products that genuinely detox the body. Now drug tests are carried out on the urine, hair and saliva of the people being tested. So you need to have recourse to products which will purge the toxins from all three, either temporarily or better still permanently. Only then will one reach the stage of guaranteed pass drug test.
Among the products that will help you achieve that are Zydot Detox Shampoo, Ultra Klean Detox Drink and Supreme Klean Total Body Cleanser. In case you would rather depend upon completely natural products you might want to use home products like lemons, vinegar, aspirin and cranberry juice. There is however some debate about whether these things really work. Almost everybody would tell you that drinking plenty of water is the key to detoxifying one’s body but sometimes that dilutes the urine so much that one has to take recourse to having vitamin b complex pills to impart some color to the urine. So not a guaranteed pass drug test solution to only drink lots of water.
Of course no two human beings are the same, and the same method will not work just as well for everybody. There is no such thing as one size fits all in the world of drug testing. So it might be a good idea to order a home testing kit to first check as to which method seems to work best. Once one knows that, the chances of a guaranteed pass drug test brighten.
Drug testing has become a way of life for most people, and it has ramifications that impact a person’s job, family life and standing in society. We are not talking about protecting the rights of junkies here. We are talking about regular family people with jobs and the normal aspirations of life. If these people can be shown a way to a guaranteed pass drug test a big worry would be off their minds.
The fact that the primary motive behind drug testing is to ensure that some people who need help are identified and that there be more productivity in jobs is undisputed. But the fact also remains that human beings are complicated and it is very difficult to devise a system that is totally fair, and does not end up hurting anyone. It is in this context that one should view the attempts made by people to get a positive result to their drug test somehow. These people don’t actually want to beat the system. They want to get on with their lives.